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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2020

You Had One Job (2)

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Almost all of us endure the frustrating environment of monotonous boring jobs. And we’re not just talking about having to do the odd tedious little task. Everyone has to do that. We’re talking full-on, mind-numbing boredom that crushes your soul. Most workers have to do the same things over and over again every single day. Hence, they fail miserably in doing the only job they had. From hilarious typos on signs and senseless errors in manufacturing, there are a few people who mess up even the simplest tasks. In this post, we have curated a list of the funniest errors made by people who had only one job but still failed hilariously. Scroll on to see them yourself and enjoy peeps. We bet you’ll be laughing out loud by the time you’ll reach the end. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends who are clumsy enough to make similar blunders. They should've give clearer instruction, I guess.  They should definitely get their money back.  I don't remember people...

Childhood Fears VS Adult Fears

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You know you're an adult when you go to the doctor's office fearing not getting a shot or the doctor himself, but the bills. If you can relate, you'll love these illustrations by Dave Mercier of MercWorks. Titled 'Childhood Fears vs. Adult Fears', the artist posted the illustrations to College Humor and we couldn't resist showing them to you. Not only are they hilarious, but they're completely relatable too! Take a look below and vote for your favorites. More info: mercworks.net | Facebook (h/t: collegehumor ) Source: Bored Panda

'March 1st vs. April 1st' Memes Depict How God-Awful March Was

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March was...not great. In fact, it was downright horrible and felt like it lasted for 3,467 days. Seriously can we all just fall asleep and wake up in June of 2021 when this is all over? The following memes depict how grungy we all became in the month of March. It hasn't been pretty, and surprise, there's still no end in sight!

You Had One Job (1)

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Almost all of us endure the frustrating environment of monotonous boring jobs. And we’re not just talking about having to do the odd tedious little task. Everyone has to do that. We’re talking full-on, mind-numbing boredom that crushes your soul. Most workers have to do the same things over and over again every single day. Hence, they fail miserably in doing the only job they had. From hilarious typos on signs and senseless errors in manufacturing, there are a few people who mess up even the simplest tasks. In this post, we have curated a list of the funniest errors made by people who had only one job but still failed hilariously. Scroll on to see them yourself and enjoy peeps. We bet you’ll be laughing out loud by the time you’ll reach the end. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends who are clumsy enough to make similar blunders. You had one job, man.  That guy looks like he's smoking some really strong stuff.  That's the city development for ya. ...