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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2020

Like Father, Like Son: 101 Adorable Photos Of Dads And Their Mini-Mes (1)

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Though little boys love both of their parents just the same, they often look up to their fathers as role models to follow. This post is dedicated to the special bond that fathers and sons can share when growing up. Source: Bored Panda

10 Illustrations Every Dog Owner Will Understand

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Let's talk about dogs and the reason why dogs are great pets. They are loyal. They are awesome friends, they will definitely keep you busy and always be there for you when you need them. Dogs are the best security system. They will also keep you healthy because of daily walks, training exercises or even jogging together! And they will always love you unconditionally. So there are many reasons why dogs have been called man's best friend. Lingvistov artist Landysh have put together some cute and funny illustrations about dogs. We hope you enjoy them! More info: lingvistov.com Source: Bored Panda

15 Glorious Instances Of Non-Toxic Masculinity

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There's been a lot of talk about toxic masculinity these days, and honestly, our cringey neckbeard galleries are ample proof of its existence. While the cringe factor can be fun, we thought it would be refreshing to give some credit to these wonderfully non-toxic and wholesome moments of dudes being dudes. Source: Cheezburger

35 Soldiers On Their Days Off (2)

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Humor is one of the best and healthiest ways for people to cope with difficult situations, and there might not be anyone with a better understanding of this than active soldiers, many of whom have seen horrors that most of us cannot imagine. This list is for those brilliant troops all over the world who have used humor to lighten their loads. If you have any photos of soldiers who have goofed off like any of these soldiers have, we'd love to see your photos in our list! And don't forget to upvote your favorites, either! (h/t:  dailymail ,  distractify ) #18 Army Has A New Fan Girl Camouflage  #19 You're Not Using It Right, Bro!  #20 Having Some Quality Fun Time  #21 Vacation  #22 Kissing Is A Bit Difficult In Army  #23 Hardcore Workout  #25 Training Like A Boss  #26 I Wanna Go Home!  #27 Saving Some Important Stuff  #28 Easter Eggs  #29 Free-time Readings  #30 Military Vehicle Cost...